The SI Series are perfect All-Mountain-Boards, which features round and pintails. The SI is like the younger brother from the Fish. Compared to the Fish it is looser, because of the round tail and a bit more progressive, due to a shorter running length and a bit smaller surface area. It is made for tree and pillow runs and steep terrain as well.
Length: 148cm Dimensions: Nose 34.1 cm, Waist 28.1 cm, 30 cm Planing Surface Area: 4343 cm² Base: Perlatech PG 8223 Sintered, Factory wax Top sheet: OCB 8210 Core: CNC Machined 3D Popular Wood core Channels: ATC Channel FL2.3 Construction: Glass and Carbon fiber Conditions: 10cm or Deeper Flex: Medium Graphics by Sakulrellog aka Lukas Goller Package Incl. a Pad and Leash plug.